Capture Payment

Used to capture credit card payment eg. Adyen if merchant opt for manual capture in payment settings. The capture API will only fired if the transaction is still under AUTHORISATION status.

Method: POST

Action: capture-payment


Format: POST data

  • action required :  string (32)
Remark Sample
The action of this call, must be hardcoded to “capture-payment” capture-payment

  • timestamp required :  timestamp
Remark Sample
The timestamp for this API call -

  • api_key required :  string (32)
Remark Sample
Pipwave-assigned merchant’s API key 123456

  • pw_id required :  string (32)
Remark Sample
Pipwave’s transaction reference ID, either this or txn_id must be sent 123456

  • txn_id :  string (255)
Remark Sample
Merchant’s transaction ID, either this or pw_id must be sent 123456

  • capture_amount :  decimal (11, 2)
Remark Sample
  • If not provided, full authorised amount will be captured.
  • If PG not supporting partial capture, full capture will be done.


Format: JSON

  • status :  string (5)
Remark Sample
Status of the request. Refer to appendix for list of possible values 0

  • message :  string (255)
Remark Sample
Error message, if any -


The data involved in generating the signature for this API are:

  • timestamp
  • action
  • api_key
  • pw_id
  • txn_id, if provided
  • capture_amount, if provided
  • api_secret

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