API Status Code

API Code Reason
200 OK
400 Failed to fulfill request, see message
401 Invalid API signature
403 Invalid API key
404 Invalid action
500 Generic server error, see message
1001 Currency not offered by Merchant
1002 Transaction ID (txn_id) duplicate
2001 Unsupported payment method, see message
2002 Token has expired
3001 Notification with warning (see pw_reason data)
4001 Payment is already fully refunded
4002 Payment not finalized yet
4003 Refunded amount is more than current amount
4004 Refund not supported
4005 Partial refund not supported
4006 The transaction already has a reversal in process. You must wait for the process to complete first.
4501 No disputed chargeback transaction to reversed
9001 Parameter error, see message

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