Used to get the latest status of the payment.
Method: POST
Action: requery
Format: POST data
- action
: string (32)
Remark | Sample |
The action of this call, must be hardcoded to “requery” | requery |
- timestamp
: timestamp
Remark | Sample |
The timestamp for this API call | - |
- api_key
: string (32)
Remark | Sample |
Pipwave-assigned merchant’s API key | 123456 |
- pw_id : string (32)
Remark | Sample |
Pipwave’s transaction reference ID, either this or txn_id must be sent | 123456 |
- txn_id : string (255)
Remark | Sample |
Merchant’s transaction ID, either this or pw_id must be sent | 123456 |
Format: JSON
- status : string (5)
Remark | Sample |
Status of the request. Refer to appendix for list of possible values. | 0 |
- message : string (255)
Remark | Sample |
Error message, if any. | - |
- api_key : string (255)
Remark | Sample |
Pipwave-assigned merchant’s API key | 123456 |
- pw_id : string (255)
Remark | Sample |
Pipwave reference transaction ID | 123456 |
- txn_id : string (255)
Remark | Sample |
Merchant’s transaction ID, either this or pw_id must be sent | - |
- pg_txn_id : string (255)
Remark | Sample |
Payment gateway's reference transaction ID | - |
- amount : decimal (11, 2)
Remark | Sample |
The payment checkout amount | 123 |
- tax_exempted_amount : decimal (11, 2)
Remark | Sample |
The tax-exempted amount from the payment checkout amount | 0 |
- processing_fee_amount : decimal (11, 2)
Remark | Sample |
The processing fee amount | 1.2 |
- shipping_amount : decimal (11, 2)
Remark | Sample |
The shipping fee amount | - |
- handling_amount : decimal (11, 2)
Remark | Sample |
The handling fee amount | - |
- tax_amount : decimal (11, 2)
Remark | Sample |
The tax amount | 2.4 |
- total_amount : decimal (11, 2)
Remark | Sample |
The total amount for the payment | 126.6 |
- final_amount : decimal (11, 2)
Remark | Sample |
Final amount for this transaction (after potential chargeback / refund / adjustments) | 126.6 |
- currency_code : string (3)
Remark | Sample |
The payment currency. Follow ISO 4217 standard. | MYR |
- transaction_status : string (5)
Remark | Sample |
Status of the payment as stored by pipwave. Refer to appendix for list of posssible values. | - |
- subscription_token : string (32)
Remark | Sample |
If payment is subscription type, this data is pipwave’s subscription payment token | 123456 |
- charge_index : integer
Remark | Sample |
Charging index, only subscription payments will include this data, 1 indicates initial payment, subsequent number indicates subsequent charges, in sequence | 1 |
- payment_method_code : string (32)
Remark | Sample |
The payment method code that buyer selected. Refer to appendix for list of possible values. | 123456 |
- payment_method_title : string (255)
Remark | Sample |
The title of the payment method. | Paypal |
- reversible_payment : boolean
Remark | Sample |
Is the payment method reversible? | - |
- settlement_account : string (255)
Remark | Sample |
The identifier of the settlement account that processed the payment. | Default |
- require_capture : boolean
Remark | Sample |
Does this transaction require capture? | - |
- billing_info : key-value
Remark | Sample |
Billing info as acquired by pipwave | - |
- shipping_info : key-value
Remark | Sample |
Shipping info as acquired by pipwave | - |
- tax_info : key-value
Remark | Sample |
Tax info | - |
- tax_info.tax_name : string (255)
Remark | Sample |
The name of the tax | GST |
- tax_info.tax_country : string (2)
Remark | Sample |
The country detected by pipwave to apply tax | MY |
- tax_info.tax_base_rate : float
Remark | Sample |
The base rate of the tax configured by Merchant | 6 |
- tax_info.tax_local_rate : float
Remark | Sample |
Tax rate override by region or city, if applicable | null |
- tax_info.tax_rate : float
Remark | Sample |
Final tax rate to apply | 6 |
- tax_info.items : array
Remark | Sample |
Array of items sent in initiate-payment, with tax information | - |
- tax_info.items.x.item_tax : decimal (11, 2)
Remark | Sample |
Tax imposed onto this line of item | 0.06 |
- tax_info.items.x.item_tax_rate : float
Remark | Sample |
The tax rate applied to this line of item, after overrides where applicable | 6 |
- tax_info.items.x.taxable_amount : decimal (11, 2)
Remark | Sample |
Taxable amount based on the total against item total | 1 |
- tax_info.processing_fee_tax_rate : float
Remark | Sample |
The tax rate applied to the processing fee | 6 |
- tax_info.processing_fee_tax : decimal (11, 2)
Remark | Sample |
Tax imposed onto the processing fee | - |
- tax_info.shipping_amount_tax_rate : float
Remark | Sample |
The tax rate applied to the shipping amount | - |
- tax_info.shipping_amount_tax : decimal (11, 2)
Remark | Sample |
Tax imposed onto the shipping amount | - |
- tax_info.handling_amount_tax_rate : float
Remark | Sample |
The tax rate applied to the handling amount | - |
- tax_info.handling_amount_tax : decimal (11, 2)
Remark | Sample |
Tax imposed onto the handling amount | - |
- tax_info.amount_tax : decimal (11, 2)
Remark | Sample |
Tax imposed onto the order amount | - |
- tax_info.total_tax : decimal (11, 2)
Remark | Sample |
Total tax imposed onto the checkout total | - |
- reversible_payment : boolean
Remark | Sample |
Is the payment method reversible? | - |
- require_capture : boolean
Remark | Sample |
Does this transaction require capture? | - |
- transaction_status : string (5)
Remark | Sample |
Status of the payment as stored by pipwave. Refer to appendix for list of possible values. | 20160101120000 |
- mobile_number : string (32)
Remark | Sample |
Buyer’s mobile number as verified | 123456789 |
- mobile_number_country_iso2 : string (2)
Remark | Sample |
Buyer's mobile number country iso2 | MY |
- mobile_number_country_code : string (8)
Remark | Sample |
Buyer's mobile number country dialing code | 60 |
- mobile_number_verification : string (32)
Remark | Sample |
Did the verification succeed? One of "verified", "verified previously", "unverified", or "skipped" | - |
- pipwave_score : integer (3)
Remark | Sample |
The fraud risk rating for this transaction as processed by pipwave | - |
- rules_action : string (16)
Remark | Sample |
The suggested action to undertake for this transaction, can be one of “approve”, “decline” or “review” | approve |
- rules_action_reason : string (255)
Remark | Sample |
The reason of above rules_action, especially for RulesDisabled case. | - |
- risk_management_data : key-value
Remark | Sample |
The extra risk data | - |
- matched_rules : array
Remark | Sample |
The array of all rules was that matched | - |
- extra_param1 : string (255)
Remark | Sample |
Extra notification parameter that was configured when Submit Payment Information API is being called | 123456 |
- extra_param2 : string (255)
Remark | Sample |
Extra notification parameter that was configured when Submit Payment Information API is being called | abcdef |
- extra_param3 : string (255)
Remark | Sample |
Extra notification parameter that was configured when Submit Payment Information API is being called | - |
- upload_files : array
Remark | Sample |
A list of urls to the files uploaded for offline payments. All images are signed for 1 hour only, for integrated system to download and store the image. | - |
- upload_remark : string (255)
Remark | Sample |
The payer's remark on the uploaded files. | - |
- payment_data : key-value
Remark | Sample |
- | - |
- payment_data.wallet : key-value
Remark | Sample |
Buyer's payment wallet details will be available if buyer uses wallet to pay | - |
- payment_data.wallet.wallet_id : string(255)
Remark | Sample |
Payment wallet ID | - |
- payment_data.wallet.wallet_email : string(255)
Remark | Sample |
Payment wallet email | - |
- payment_data.credit_card : key-value
Remark | Sample |
Buyer's payment credit card details will be available if buyer uses credit card to pay | - |
- payment_data.credit_card.formatted_pan : string(255)
Remark | Sample |
Credit card first 6 and last 4 | - |
- payment_data.credit_card.cvv : string(255)
Remark | Sample |
Credit card CVV matching result code, refer to appendix for possible values | - |
- payment_data.credit_card.avc : string(255)
Remark | Sample |
Credit card AVS matching result code, refer to appendix for possible values | - |
- payment_data.credit_card.threeds : string(255)
Remark | Sample |
Credit card Three-D Secure result code, refer to appendix for possible values | - |
- payment_data.credit_card.issuer_country : string(2)
Remark | Sample |
Credit card issuer country in ISO Code 2 | - |
- payment_data.credit_card.issuer_bank : string(255)
Remark | Sample |
Credit card issuer bank | - |
- payment_data.credit_card.card_type : string(255)
Remark | Sample |
Credit card type | - |
- payment_data.credit_card.card_brand : string(255)
Remark | Sample |
Credit card brand | - |
- payment_data.credit_card.card_level : string(255)
Remark | Sample |
Credit card level | - |
- payment_data.credit_card.card_holder_name : string(255)
Remark | Sample |
Credit card holder's name | - |
- payment_data.credit_card.card_expiry_month : string(2)
Remark | Sample |
Credit card expiry month | - |
- payment_data.credit_card.card_expiry_year : string(4)
Remark | Sample |
Credit card expiry year | - |
The data involved in generating the signature for this API are:
- timestamp
- action
- api_key
- pw_id OR txn_id
- api_secret